Friday, October 17, 2008

5th Annual Fuzzball with the Fuzz Benefit

The 5th Annual Fuzzball with the Fuzz Benefit was held on on October 12th, 2008. The benefit contributing to the Robert J. Cooney Memorial Trust fund was a resounding success. Special thanks to Capt. Joe Spiess, Lt. Dan Howard, Lt. Tim McEntee, Colleen Rossomanno, Det. Rick Metz, Officers Tom Bottini, Curt Burgdorf, Nick Manasco, and Mike Scego for their help in putting the tournament together. We raised over $7,100 dollars for the cause. Congratulations to the team led by P.O. Jeff Stege who, with a 7-0 run, took the championship.

Congratulations also to the two winners of the $1,000 raffle drawing, P.O. Jeff Long and P.O. Craig Grob. We had several sponsors who made out tournament possible, please support them as they supported us;

Platinum Sponsors

Gold Sponsors

P.O. Brian Rossomanno
Mobile Reserve