Sunday, June 10, 2012
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Please, Share your photos...
In Memory
A thousand times we needed you
A thousand times we cried
If love alone could have saved you
you never would have died
A heart of gold stopped beating
two twinkling eyes closed to rest
God broke our hearts to prove he only took the best
never a day goes by that you’re not in my heart and my soul.
Four years ago today...
The holidays just aren't the same without you. Your presence is so strong that it seems like you could still walk into the room at any moment. I miss our late night calls where we used to work on your latest ideas and projects. I think about them often and wonder what would have become of all your big plans.
It seems like every week I meet someone who knew you personally or prefessionally and every one of them recognized your special qualities and had a great story to tell about you. You truly made an impression on everyone you met. I certainly will never forget your character or that thing deep inside that drove you to be successful in everythng you did.
Brother, I miss you so damn much. You will nver be forgotten. ~ DC
Friday, February 18, 2011
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
2005 Midwest SWAT Championships (with Bob on Team #1)
The video includes his team (Team #1 Fowlkes, Mowry, McDonough and himself) competing in the 2005 Midwest SWAT Championships.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Sarah's Poem For Her Daddy... on his Birthday.
I helped you get ready at night
I would ask you questions about what would happen if you got hurt
Then you would grab me and hold me tight
You told me that would never happen because you are always alert
I always thought if you would get hurt it would be doing what you love
Then the worst day of my life came
I didn’t understand what the talk was of
I felt like I was to blame
Who is to help Sean with his baseball glove
Who was going to come to take pictures at my sports games
I think back to the memories
Playing volleyball in the yard, taking long car rides, comforting me
Who would have thought that you would be taken away by a fall
I can say many people also agree
I wish I could spend one more day with you
That day I would spend hugging you with all my might not letting you go.
I wish you could be here for the rest of my life
To see me if I am to become a wife
To see grandchildren grow up.
But the one thing that I miss a lot
Is the father daughter dances
To see little girls twirling with their dad’s
And knowing that they have it good and they have no idea
To see daughters laughing with their dads
And knowing that they will wake up to see their dad in the morning
I miss those memories
I wish there was one more day I could spend with you
Cooking the food we both loved, going fishing one more time, having those
Comforting words of encouragement when the tears were flowing
But those days are over now and it’s hard to realize and understand
That my daddy will never be here again
To tell me what’s right and wrong
To tell me that everything is going to be okay
And there’s no reason to get upset
Now there is a reason.
And I don’t think that will ever go away
You will never be replaced I hope you know that
Many people can tell me to move on and that you’re in a better place
But the best place you can be is by my side holding me in your arms
I haven’t grasped the thought yet and I do not know if I ever will
That the day you dropped me off at school
You gave me a hug and kiss on the forehead and told me you would see me later
I am still waiting for later and I will be waiting for the rest of my life
Until I see my daddy again.
by Sarah Cooney
June 10, 2009
Thursday, February 19, 2009
My poem for Bob...
It was a cool February day, it seems like yesterday
When I took that call, my whole world stalled.
Time had stopped, the news was bad.
My idol, my hero, but please God wait... he's a dad!
And Cindy, she needs us. I can't believe this is true.
I must call Mom and Dad.. Bob, there's so many who love you.
I just wish I could say a final goodbye,
Just one more conversation, the twinkle in your eye.
You always helped me make the right choice.
Now, I cant even call just to hear your voice.
I will never forget, two days before,
You and my son wrestled on the floor.
I'm so glad we dropped by so Kevin could play,
Because I'd never recall our very last day.
He still thinks you're here but someday I'll tell him
while we hold back tears, squeeze him and hug him.
I'll tell him your stories of pride, service
and your brothers in blue.
And I'll tell him in detail how the guys honored you.
Our hearts are broken from no long goodbye's
If we only could've held you the day that you died.
God must have needed you there, an Angel walking the beat.
You and Grandpa... now those are safe streets.
I miss you my brother, I'll see you someday.
It's hard here without you... God will show us the way.
We love you,
February 19, 2009
Bob's Official Department Pictures
Friday, October 17, 2008
5th Annual Fuzzball with the Fuzz Benefit
The 5th Annual Fuzzball with the Fuzz Benefit was held on on October 12th, 2008. The benefit contributing to the Robert J. Cooney Memorial Trust fund was a resounding success. Special thanks to Capt. Joe Spiess, Lt. Dan Howard, Lt. Tim McEntee, Colleen Rossomanno, Det. Rick Metz, Officers Tom Bottini, Curt Burgdorf, Nick Manasco, and Mike Scego for their help in putting the tournament together. We raised over $7,100 dollars for the cause. Congratulations to the team led by P.O. Jeff Stege who, with a 7-0 run, took the championship.
Congratulations also to the two winners of the $1,000 raffle drawing, P.O. Jeff Long and P.O. Craig Grob. We had several sponsors who made out tournament possible, please support them as they supported us;
Platinum Sponsors
Gold Sponsors
- Paddy O’s
- Keeton’s Double Play
- Eagle Industries
- Miller Lite
- Bommar’s
- Barney’s
- The Mack
- 12th Ward Democratic Committee
- Sheriff James Murphy
- Lordo’s Diamonds
- Vinciguerra’s Jewelers
- Aflac
- Snyder’s Distributing
- Colorado Bob’s
- Costco
- Mr. Greg Evans
P.O. Brian Rossomanno
Mobile Reserve
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Lt. Cooney Memorial Race
Bob's daughter Sarah rode in the Pontoon Beach Police Pace Car for several races while Bob's son Sean worked the flag stand from green to checkered for an entire race and made the trophy presentation to the race winner on Victory Lane.
A silent auction of select race merchandise was held and all proceeds were donated to the Cooney Trust Fund.
Thank you to Kevin & Tammy Gundaker (owners of Tri-City Speedway), my Aunt Carolyn & Uncle Gordon and the entire team at Tri-City for all their hard work.
Also, thank you to all of Bob's friends and co-workers that attended. As Richi Moore has said before, Bob is the reason we are all friends today.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Shamrocks Baseball - Final 2008 Game
Monday, July 14, 2008
Department Employees, Retirees and their Families march in the 2008 V.P. Parade
Double click slide show to view larger images.
St Louis Metropolitan Police Department Employees, Retirees and their Families were invited to march in the 131st Veiled Prophet Parade on Friday July 4th, 2008 as the department celebrated it's 200th Anniversary. Col. Joseph J. Mokwa, chief of the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department served as the Honorary Grand Marshal.
It was beautiful morning with a cool breeze as parade participants assembled at 8:00 a.m. in downtown St. Louis. By 10:00 am as the parade started, thousands of St Louisans and Cubs fans awaiting the start of the afternoon game lined the streets to cheer on various departments and units from the SLMPD as well as the St Louis Fire Department, military bands, the Shriners, 17 floats, clowns, unique vehicles and seven giant helium balloons.
Following the parade, St Louis Metropolitan Police Department employees and families gathered at a private hospitality tent catered with great BBQ, drinks and treats as they enjoyed the remainder of the parade.
Note: For those who participated in the parade I will be dropping off a couple of discs with a few different units at the department. The originals digital photos will be of higher quality and perfect for printing.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Fathers Day Prayer

Holy Father, You are the one who knows how absolutely special fathers are. You made them that way.
How else can a man work so hard, give so much, and love unconditionally, without your strength?
So first, Lord, thank You for fathers, for daddies. For big, strong men with tender hearts, with hands that are calloused and rough, yet so soft and gentle when hearts need mending.
Lord, help children to delight this day in being with their dads, even if it must be only by phone.
May the precious memories flow, and bring laughter, and new love and appreciation.
Lord, please take care of our dads. Though they are brave and protective, they must also be frightened sometimes, when money runs low, when we need things, when we're hurt or sick.
Lord, when their hearts break because they can't do it all, please help us to let them know how much we love them. And how much You love them.
Lord, forgive the men who know they are not good fathers, and help them to know when and if they can make things better, with Your help.
And Oh, Lord, for those Dads who keep trying and keep loving after messing up so many times, help their children to love them even more in return.
Lord, for that Dad who has lost a child, please let him know You are there, right beside him, for nothing else can heal a heart so torn.
For the father who is parenting alone, strengthen him with your love.
For those whose father is already with You, Give him a hug, Lord, and tell him it's from his children.
And you, too, Lord. Happy Father's Day!
In Jesus' name, Amen
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Bob, Still The Life of the Party...
Around 4:00 p.m. the star of the show arrived, YOU! 750+ of Bob's closest friends, family,

Click here to listen or right click>save as to save the MP3
(Note: You may have to scroll to the bottom of this page to pause the main music feed)
Moma just said that Heaven needed daddy, Heaven knows we needed daddy too. He'd sing to me about cowboys and heroes, and if he had a fear, well I never knew.
Strong arms to hold me when I was cryin, stern hand to teach me right from wrong. Work all night, yet still come home smilin, and now they tell me that my daddy's gone.
I stayed strong, took care of my brother, stood by mom when she was sad and blue. I hear tell that Heaven needed daddy, well Heaven knows we needed daddy too.
Years from now when all of this is memory, might meet someone I love and say I do. And when my children ask about you, daddy, I'll just sing to them about cowboys, and you.

"On behalf of Sarah, Sean and myself, I would like to thank my family, friends, co-workers at Wachovia Securities and the St Louis Metropolitan Police Department. We are humbled by the kindness and generosity that has been shown during our difficult time.

I would also like to recognize everyone on the benefit committee, the St Louis business community and the owners and staff at Harry's.
Bob is truly looking down and is very proud of all of you... all the friends and family that have come together to help us through this tragedy.
On Tuesday, June 10th, Bob would have celebrated his 44th birthday. In his honor, I would like to read the Irish Blessing;
May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind always be at your back,
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
May the rains fall siftly upon your fields,
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of his hand.
Please raise your glasses in honor of Bob, who blessed us with his short, wonderful life. Bob, you were the best of the best."
As Cindy led us all in a toast everyone shouted towards heaven... "TO BOB!!!"
Then Cindy thanked Sgt. Jerome Klipfel and the entire Mobile Reserve, Canine and Hostage Rescue Team and recognized them for everything they have done since Bob passed away. In addition Cindy explained how much Bob loved and cared for every last one of his men.
Bob's parents, Mike & Jeanne tearfully thanked everyone for their donations and support and D.C. thanked everyone for their hard work and recognized his wife Vickie and cousins Denise, Natalie, Kelly and Leslie for their help with the t-shirt table.
It was a great night that left us all with more great memories in the spirit of Bob. I remember looking around several times during the evening and thinking... "Bob is still the life of the party".
Honoring My Hero...
Vickie and I also visited Grandpa & Grandma Cooney's grave (Robert James & Lillian Marie). Bob was named after his Grandfather who served as a police officer in Webster Groves.
When Bob and I used to talk about Grandpa Cooney he used to talk about the surreal feeling he got standing in front of Grandpa's grave and seeing his own name... I can't help but think about that conversation over and over again.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Double D's Pizzeria Raffle & Benefit
I would like to thank David Doetzel, his family, and the crew at Double D's Pizzeria for all their hard work in putting on an extremely successful fund raiser for Bob's children.
When I arrived, the dining room and sidewalk were packed, takeout food was flying out the door and the Double D's crew was there in the hot kitchen working their butts off and serving great food to all who attended. All of the employees, including David's wife, mother and kids donated their time and worked all day.
I would also like to recognize the folks at Affton American's Hockey and the Affton Midget Minor CSDHL Hockey Team for pulling together great donations for the raffle that included an Autographed Keith Tkuchuck jersey, autographed Al McInnis Hockey Stick, autographed Paul Karyia hockey stick, autographed Blues practice jersey, Blues tickets, Cardinals tickets and more. In addition, there was a great Washer Game set hand made by Lt. Joe Hoeing. (Thank you Joe!).
Also, thank you to all the officers, civilians and walk-in customers who purchased raffle tickets and those who donated directly to the kids... just because.
Dave, I can only imagine how beat you all were as we left late last night. Much respect to you for everything you have done. As Bob's kids grow older I will remind them of all those mentioned above.
I know I will never forget...
By the way everyone, great wings at Double D's!
Marc Wasem Fights to Honor Bob...
On April 25th, 2008 Marc Wasem of the St Louis Metropolitan Police Department, came out of boxing retirement and entered the fight card one more time to honor Bob. Many officers from Mobile Reserve/HRT along with Bob's family and friends were there to cheer Marc on. The evening of fights at the Viking Hotel in Sunset Hills was promoted by Shamrock Promotions and was titled "Battles for Fame". The evening included boxing, female kick boxing and Mixed Martial Arts.
Later in the evening , Rob Donaker of Shamrock Promotions and Marc Wasem of the St Louis Metropolitan Police Department presented Cindy Cooney, Mike Cooney and D.C. with a check containing a portion of Marc's ticket sales for the Cooney Family Trust Fund which will go to help Sarah and Sean's future needs.
A big Thank You to Marc Wasem for his incredible effort in the ring. Marc took a shot in the ribs during the match and was in a lot of pain for several days. We will never forget your kindness and courage...
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Pride... Visiting Bob's Office
In the photos you will see a few of the vehicles that Bob acquired for the guys during his time there including the Lenco Bear (Ballistic Engineered Armored Response vehicle) and the Tahoes. He truly cared about every last officer in HRT, K-9 and Mobile Reserve. He was always working to make them the best that they could be and pushing for frequent training and the best equipment. We hope and pray that his team will carry on his spirit in training, work ethic and kindness as time goes on.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Saying Goodbye...
Photos by Chuck Hart, Tom Gatermann, Doug Etherton
and Linda Grantham
Above is the slideshow that played in the
lobby of the funeral home. Please send
your photos of Bob so I can add them here.
Above is raw unedited video provided by KSDK

Above are the eulogies by Capt. Swiderski
and Bob's brothers Michael, D.C. and Darryl.

Above is the program from the funeral service.
As soon as we found this picture, we knew this was the right one. We felt it represented Bob as he is in heaven, as if he is saying "Don't worry about me..."
This section will be updated as more media is collected;
2/20/08 KTVI Fox-2 Video
2/19/08 KSDK.com "Officers Pay Their Last Respects..."
2/19/08 KSDK.com Story "Trust Fund Set Up For Children..."
2/19/08 KTVI Fox 2 Story "St Louis Police Lieutenant..."