Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Bob, Still The Life of the Party...

What a night! After weeks of planning and a lot of hard work by friends and family of Bob Cooney, the benefit was a huge success. The day began as the benefit committee gathered at Harry's in the early afternoon setting up the auctions items that were donated by many individuals and business from the St Louis area. The t-shirts arrived, food was delivered and the dining room and patio were prepared by Harry's staff.

Around 4:00 p.m. the star of the show arrived, YOU! 750+ of Bob's closest friends, family, co-workers and associates. The door was busy all night long as guests arrived. The dining room, bar and patio quickly filled with conversation, laughter, and memories of Bob. As everyone enjoyed the delicious food and drinks, many were bidding on the huge selection of silent auction items, purchasing raffle tickets and previewing the public auction items. In addition, over 300 guests picked up memorial t-shirts to commemorate the evening. Many guests enjoyed the outdoor patio and bar as the sun set and music played.

Around 8:00 p.m. the silent auction closed. As the raffles were drawn the excitement began and winners began picking up their prizes. The 50/50 was drawn and the winner donated his prize back to the Cooney Trust Fund. The public auction began featuring an Albert Pujols autographed jersey, an Albert Pujols autographed bat, a weekend at Atlantis Island Condo's, St Louis Cardinal's Suite #19 for 28 people, Lumiere Place Hotel & Casino Package, a Smith & Wesson .40 Calibur M&P Pistol, St Louis Cardinal's Cardinal Club Ticket Package, a Browning Liberty Tree Knife, Two Passes for unlimited Golf at Forest Park, an Autographed M.A. Ricker Pewter Fire Engine Artwork, an Adams & Westlake Antique Fireman's Lantern and an antque Firefighters Helmet.

As the auction closed, K-9 Officer Michael Robertson was called to the stage as we introduced the song he wrote and recorded titled "Sarahs Song". As Mikes beautiful lyrics played many of us stood in silence listening with tears in our eyes... Thank you Officer Robertson.

"Sarahs Song" by Micheal Robertson K-9 / S.L.M.P.D.
Click here to listen or right click>save as to save the MP3
(Note: You may have to scroll to the bottom of this page to pause the main music feed)
Moma just said that Heaven needed daddy, Heaven knows we needed daddy too. He'd sing to me about cowboys and heroes, and if he had a fear, well I never knew.

Strong arms to hold me when I was cryin, stern hand to teach me right from wrong. Work all night, yet still come home smilin, and now they tell me that my daddy's gone.

I stayed strong, took care of my brother, stood by mom when she was sad and blue. I hear tell that Heaven needed daddy, well Heaven knows we needed daddy too.

Years from now when all of this is memory, might meet someone I love and say I do. And when my children ask about you, daddy, I'll just sing to them about cowboys, and you.

Later as the ticket drum rolled everyone waited anxiously to hear the big winner of the raffle for the 50" Hitachi HDTV with delivery and setup by Quality Sight & Sound. Congratulations to Jan Harper, wife of Lt. John Harper of the St Louis Metropolitan Police Department! This great prize couldn't have gone to a nicer family.

After Bob's brother Michael said a prayer, Lt. Cooney's wife, Cindy, took a moment to say a few words and read an Irish Prayer in honor of Bob...

"On behalf of Sarah, Sean and myself, I would like to thank my family, friends, co-workers at Wachovia Securities and the St Louis Metropolitan Police Department. We are humbled by the kindness and generosity that has been shown during our difficult time.

I would also like to recognize everyone on the benefit committee, the St Louis business community and the owners and staff at Harry's.

Bob is truly looking down and is very proud of all of you... all the friends and family that have come together to help us through this tragedy.

On Tuesday, June 10th, Bob would have celebrated his 44th birthday. In his honor, I would like to read the Irish Blessing;

May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind always be at your back,
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
May the rains fall siftly upon your fields,
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of his hand.

Please raise your glasses in honor of Bob, who blessed us with his short, wonderful life. Bob, you were the best of the best."

As Cindy led us all in a toast everyone shouted towards heaven... "TO BOB!!!"

Then Cindy thanked Sgt. Jerome Klipfel and the entire Mobile Reserve, Canine and Hostage Rescue Team and recognized them for everything they have done since Bob passed away. In addition Cindy explained how much Bob loved and cared for every last one of his men.

Bob's parents, Mike & Jeanne tearfully thanked everyone for their donations and support and D.C. thanked everyone for their hard work and recognized his wife Vickie and cousins Denise, Natalie, Kelly and Leslie for their help with the t-shirt table.

It was a great night that left us all with more great memories in the spirit of Bob. I remember looking around several times during the evening and thinking... "Bob is still the life of the party".

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