Tuesday, April 1, 2008

New site now online.... Please sign the guestbook!

After hours of designing and re-designing just the right website to honor Bob, I have scrapped all ideas I have had and decided to use a Blog.

What is a Blog? The word Blog is short for "Web Log" and is basically an electronic diary. The great thing about a blog is the ease of posting text, pictures, video and other media files as well allowing for a simple interface for viewers to post their comments.

To view and sign the Guest Book, click here or click "Comments" below.


Friends said...


May God bless you and your children in these difficult times. We are praying that God gives you all the strength to carry on with the love that Bob showed so many in his life on earth. No one knows more than you the great heart, and the intentional unselfishness of Bob. His kindness and courage are only exceeded by the purity of his will, always wanting the best for others.

Bob has blessed so many with his gift for teaching, his passion for his work, and most of all his patience for his fellow man. His patience was such a rare and special gift, one could sense Bob's will saying, "I love you, I believe in you, so keep trying, you will succeed."

Bob's personal example of continuous improvement was both motivating and demanding. Few men live this way and also have the compassion of Bob. We all miss him terribly and are better on the inside for having known Bob. There are men alive today because of the hard work and dedication of Bob, he truly left this world better than he found it, and we are all grateful for the privlidge of his company and the honor of knowing, "Bob was my friend."

R.Allenbrand said...

Bob Cooney was a great friend, I had the opportunity to visit over a few campfires and on the range with him over the last year, and I am going to miss him very much, such a talented and self motivated individual, he was truly a family man, always taking the calls from his family no matter what he was doing, and excited about it. He demonstrated what is known as, a –mans- man! I will leave you with this, one day on the range, my grandson was learning how to shoot an AR, their were several guys standing around talking as my grandson (age 12) was struggling to get it right, and Bob kept looking over at him as we talked, he couldn’t take it anymore, he said hold on, he then proceeded to give my grandson a 30 minute lesson on “How To” I will never forget, and neither will my grandson, quoting his words, that is really a nice man, and boy does he really know how to shoot that gun!!
He will be missed by many; I only wish the best for you! and regret that I didn’t have more time to know him.

Rick Allenbrand – Bear Creek Tactical

Anonymous said...

To all of Bob's family, I did'nt no him very good, but when I did get to meet him it was always a very fun and good time.He always could make someone laugh and feel welcome,Bob was a great person!

Anonymous said...

Where do you start or what do you say when you lose a brother to such a strange accident. I don't have an answer to that one but it still hasn't set in that he is gone. When I am at their house spending time with Cindy, sarah, and Sean it seems like he is going to come around the corner and say "what's going on" a common phrase in person or on the phone. Rob and I grew up together pretty close because of our age and when I look at Sean I see Rob in him from his actions to his looks. You know in sort of a strange way when sean and I spend time together I feel like a kid trapped in a adult body. It has been rough on our family but day by day somehow it seems to get a bit better and I know I think of Rob and the time we spent together and all I can do is smile and that makes me feel better and knowing some day I will see him again as you will. Please send my brother pictures of Rob so everyone can smile and feel better. This has been a life changing experience for all of us and I know for me it has changed me in a better way and hope the same for you at least something good came out of all this. Please don't forget him I know I never will and he never will forgot you. His bithday is June 10th and hope to see some of you at his resting place. I miss you Rob and will see you some day again, rest in peace and watch over all of us.

Darryl Cooney

Anonymous said...

We will miss you dearly son. We were very proud of you and your accomplishments. You were a wonderful son, father, husband and friend. May God rest your soul, and we will see you in a better place. Love and miss you. Love from Dad and Mom

Anonymous said...

Cindy Sarah and Sean,

You guys are like family to me. i miss dad like crazy and i pray every night for him and you. This is going to be a really tough time to get through but we can do it together. i love you guys and i'm keeping you in my prayers.

love always.

Sarah Cooney said...

Having my dad gone has been the hardest thing that has ever happened in my life. I miss him so much, day by day I think of everything that I have done with him. He was the greatest person I ever knew. It was great to hear his voice everyday and I took that for granted. Ever since he died, when hanging around with my friends I hear them say my dad is retarted or stupid or I hate them before I never thought of how that would hurt but now looking at it in my perspective you never know what could happen so you shouldnt say "I hate" you should say "I Love" My dad knew so many things he knew what was right and wrong and would remind me that. The last couple of words I said to my dad was , I love you, are you picking me up after school okay love you bye *door shut.* That was the last time I ever saw him again. I am so glad that it wasn't I hate you or your so weird. It is hard to deal with the family because were all dealing in different ways. The way I am dealing might be different and I may hurt some people and I am here to say I am sorry. It is really nice to have all of these people here to take care of me family, neighbors, friends, school, teachers, police officers, and so much more! Thank you so much!
It's not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena...who strives... who spends himself.. and who at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat

It not how they died that make them heroes but how they lived

Anonymous said...

Robbie I will always remember all the times spent together at your mom and dads during our young teenage years. I will never forget that special thing we had and how kind you were to me. I just wish we never lost contact. I feel I missed out on a wounderful friendship and knowing the great man you became. I know I will see you again someday but until then I will always love and remember you and honor your name always with much love.

Anonymous said...

Everytime I visit this site I am reminded how much I miss and loved Bob, as I'm sure the rest of you do too! I know that Bob was a great father to his children and a surrogate father to many other children including mine. He was a great husband to Cindy and a great friend to Steve & I. I have come to realize that Bob was a great friend to many! Thank you Bob for being the friend that NO ONE will ever forget. RIP Furry Shorts Man!! :)

Anonymous said...

It had been a long time since I had seen or talked to Rob when I heard the news. I am sorry I have been so out of touch with a lot of family since moving to Coastal NC. Ever since we were little kids I loved being around my cousin Rob. He was witty, smart and fun. I knew he was doing well in his job but did not know of the extent of his accomplishments. I am humbled to be related to such a great man who was loved and respected by so many! Reading Sarah's post makes me realize how proud Rob and Cindy must be. And how proud your kids are of you.
My heart goes out to all of you. Even though it has been a while I will miss Rob. I hope the next time I come out to Missouri I get a chance to see all of you. Love, Penny

Anonymous said...

Robbie was a dear childhood friend of mine. Miss the long nights of bouncing on trapolene. We worked together at Fishermans Warf, spent lot of time at mall and at my familys store at mall,providence school,he was one of those true friends you come across in growing up. The memories will last forever. My dearest sympathy for his family and freinds. I allways saw robbie on the news and thought how cool it was to have grown up with the guy on t.v.
Tim scullin

Michelle said...


Six years ago two days after 9/11, Jim and I had our son. Bob sent out an email to the entire department announcing the birth and wrote a bit about how even though the horrible tragedy happened two days earlier there was something positive that happened. It brought tears to my eyes then but now when I read it the tears really flow! This simple little email means so much to me and always will.

I also remember back in 1999 when Bob and Jim were in the work-related car accident they were both in the emergency room together. Bob had his hand full of glass and while having to sit there and soak his hand in a jar of water so they could get the glass out - he was still laughing and smiling!

Bob was the Perfect Man! Perfect Husband! Perfect Dad! Perfect Boss! I am so sorry for your loss. The event on Sunday was awesome. Hopefully it will be a yearly event!

Michelle Patterson

Anonymous said...


Bob was a good friend and partner. We had many good times both on and off duty. Our prayers are with you and the kids. He will be missed.

Tommy Dodson

Anonymous said...

Sarah, you are like my best friend and i pray everynight for you and your family. You and your family are in our prayers. we love you guys.
Megan Hanak

Anonymous said...


I knew Bob from the CPD desk and always remember him being the type of person, whoever you were, had time to stop and Say Hello! God give you strength for now and for the future and your children always remember that special person he was to ALL! Hold on to the great memories, God Speed!

Anonymous said...


I knew Bob from the CPD desk and always remember him being the type of person, whoever you were, had time to stop and Say Hello! God give you strength for now and for the future and your children always remember that special person he was to ALL! Hold on to the great memories, God Speed!

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving Bob! We sure do miss you!!

Anonymous said...

RJC, nothing happens without the Lord's approval. Thank you for your watchful eye, your service to our great nation, I'm humbled by your giving grace. Your mom is my fren. She thinks the sun and moon sets on you. Mommy's never let go....until we meet again.........

Anonymous said...

I miss you Uncle Bob; your memories live on through all of us in the family. You are loved and missed by all. We Love You!

Anonymous said...

Bob, it has been 1 year without you, but I hear your voice everyday and night telling us how much you love us, and us telling you wright back how much we love you. I miss you so much and hopefully one day I will understand why my bestfriend and love of my life was taken away from us. One day we will be together again, but for now you will always and always be in my heart forever. Snuggs love and kisses I really miss you.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe 1 year has passed, it seems like I just saw my brother the other day. I miss him very much but know someday we will see each other again. I will never understand why such a great person was taken from us all but there must have been a great reason, and we will find out some day. I can only hope that his family will have the strength to make it through the hard times and I know Rob will be there to help. Rest in peace my brother and help guide us through these hard times....


Judy Ohlau said...

Cindy, I think about all of you often and want you to know that I am praying for you. Take care of yourself.

Unknown said...

Rob was a great guy. I'm still a little in denial that he's gone. My thoughts are with his/our family right now.

Anonymous said...

bob cooney was my neighbor. though i didnt know him very much, when i heard he had passed , i collapsed to the floor, sobbing and grieving for their family. the thought of it made me cry, and his funeral was so hard for me. i loved him, he was the leader of the nayborhood and i will never forget him.
kathryn eisele

Anonymous said...

It's been more than a year now since Rob left us all behind and it still seems like he is going to call or knock on the door. I try to spend time with Cindy,Sarah,and Sean and sometimes it seems like the time I give is not enough. I promised Rob that I would try to take care of them no matter what and always will if capable. I can just say that the time we spent together will never be forgotten and know that some day I will catch up with him wherever he is. I miss my brother and think about him every day in some way! As they saying goes "it's hard to forget great memories" and that is what we all have of Rob, GREAT MEMORIES ! See ya again Darryl

Anonymous said...

Cindy, Shawn & Sarah,
Our thoughts any prayers are with you each day, especially today.
Sam and I cannot believe Bob has been gone for 2 years.
We know he is watching over each of you and misses you very much. He will protect and comfort you forever.

Lots of love and prayers

Sam & Robin Licata

What a good man he was.

We love you

Anonymous said...

Still can't believe it...Aunt Carolyn

Anonymous said...

I still can't believe that he is gone i think about him often and wonder what life would be like if he was here. I know life has been tuff for his and our family and we are stronger today because of him and we are closer today because of him. We all miss you Rob!
